Showing posts with label #smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #smoking. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Lagos State Governor signs bill banning smoking in public

 In January 2014, the legislators in Lagos state have passed a bill banning smoking in public places. The legislators were waiting for Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola to sign the bill into law for all logistics to be put in place. BRF signed the bill into law at the Lagos House, Ikeja. He is optimistic that the law would further strengthen the State Government’s commitment towards protecting lives of citizens.
The bill prohibits smoking in areas which are designated as non-smoking areas, including libraries, museums, nurseries, day care centers, public toilets and facilities with infants.
Offenders face up to 3 years in jail. Owners of public spaces (clubs, restaurants etc..) will have to ensure no-smoking signs are properly displayed. The fine is N100,320 or 6 months in prison.

Monday 17 February 2014

Love For Weed? Miley Cyrus Photographed Smoking Joint In Front Of Mom

The incident is yet another example of Cyrus openly and unabashedly displaying her love of weed.

People wondering where Miley Cyrus’ parents are in the midst of her bad behavior may not be surprised to learn that at least one of them appears supportive of her partying ways. New photographs show Cyrus’ mom, Tish, present while the singer smoked what appeared to be a joint and passed it around a table. The photograph was taken at a house party last month and came on the heels of her MTV documentary, in which Tish declared that she is “right beside” her daughter amidst her wild behavior. Of course, Cyrus’ love for marijuana has been long documented. Last November, she sparked up controversy lighting a joint during her acceptance speech for Best Video at MTV’s European Music Awards in Amsterdam. “You know, I couldn’t fit this award in my bag, but I did find this,” she said before pulling out a joint, taking a few puffs and walking off the stage. She later addressed her speech by tweeting that “Sometimes in life you gotta just decide not to give AF.”
Cyrus also slammed the accusations made by singer Joe Jonas last month that she and now-sober Demi Lovato pressured him to smoke weed for the first time when they were all teenagers, telling him that he should take responsibility for his own choices. “If you want to smoke weed, you’re going to smoke weed. There’s nothing that two little girls are going to get you to do that you don’t want to do,” she said. “I thought maybe he was saying that like it was going to make him look badass. We were so young that it was actually like, ‘How did you get peer-pressured by me?’”
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