Showing posts with label #marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #marriage. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Oprah’s Ex-Stepmom Accuses TV Icon of Ruinning Her Marriage

In an explosive interview with the Daily Mail, the ex-stepmother of Oprah Winfrey blasted the television icon for ruining her marriage and being dismissive of her presence from the day the two met.
Barbara Winfrey told the British publication in a two-part series (part 1 and 2) that Oprah forced her into homelessness, tried to make her sign a confidentiality agreement, prevented her from speaking to her A-list friends during major events, and claimed that she was a mean boss to her employees.
Barbara was married to Oprah’s father, Vernon, for 14 years before they ended their union. She made national headlines after being given an eviction notice from Oprah, stating that she must leave the Tennessee home she shared with Vernon by May 29. Barbara says Oprah called her Friday, Nov. 2, 2012, the day of her sixty-fourth birthday, to give her the news.
“You say I never talk to you? I want you to know now. You have until Monday to get out of my house,” she allegedly said.
Here is more of what Barbara told the Daily Mail:
She claims that Oprah, 60, and longterm partner Stedman Graham, 63, are not bound by romance but a pragmatic cocktail of shared secrets, convenience and money. She describes Oprah’s relationship with close confidante Gayle King, 59, as ‘bizarre’ and ‘unhealthy,’ and points to it as the reason that neither woman is married. And at the heart of it all, Barbara claims, the ‘real Oprah’ – hidden behind the image she projects so well – is a woman unhappy in her skin and, as Barbara has learned to her cost, unforgiving to those who inspire her wrath. Barbara said, ‘You find out quickly where your place is with Oprah and you get in that place and you stay in that place.
‘My crime, I think, was to talk to her like a normal person and she didn’t like that one bit.’
The allegations get much worse. To learn more about what Barbara thinks of Oprah, read the two-part series at the links above.

Kenyan President Assent Polygamy Into Law

A law allowing men in Kenya to marry as many women as they want was signed into law on Tuesday by President Uhuru Kenyatta, despite criticism from women’s groups.
A statement from the presidency confirmed that the bill, which it said “consolidates various laws relating to marriage”, had been signed into law.
The bill, which amended existing legislation, was passed by parliament last month to formalize traditional practice regarding marrying more than one person.
“Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman, whether in a monogamous or polygamous union,” the presidential statement added.
The initial bill had given a wife the right to veto the husband’s choice, but male members of parliament overcame party divisions to push through a text that dropped this clause.
When the bill was passed last month, female members of parliament stormed out of the session in fury after a heated debate.
The National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK), which groups more than 40 churches and Christian organizations from across the east African nation, has also spoken out against the bill.
The national Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya) has also said it would mount a legal challenge against the law.
“We know that men are afraid of women’s tongues more than anything else,” female legislator Soipan Tuya told fellow MPs when the bill was passed.
“But at the end of the day, if you are the man of the house, and you choose to bring on another party — and they may be two or three — I think it behooves you to be man enough to agree that your wife and family should know,” she added.
As in many parts of Africa, polygamy is common among traditional communities in Kenya, as well as in the country’s Muslim community, which accounts for up to a fifth of the population.
Many have said the legislation merely acknowledges something that is already widespread.
“When you marry an African woman, she must know the second one is on the way, and a third wife… this is Africa,” MP Junet Mohammed told the house during debate on the bill.
Why are women not allowed to marry more than one man?

Who Steal Tiwa Savage’s idea oo?

Who is making a move with Tiwa Savage’s idea? Though she doesn’t find this hindering her in any way, the music star, whose wedding held last Saturday {and is away on honeymoon with her husband Tunji Balogun(Teebillz)}, took to Twitter at 6.45 am today to advise her fans on sharing their ideas.
In the message, Tiwa said: “Be careful who you share your ideas and vision with.#They will steal your dream #you know who you are #God don’t like ugly #it will never be # as good as the original #gbam #back to my honeymoon”.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Marriage? Not in my Agenda Again says Kate Henshaw

Nollywood Actress, Kate Henshaw who has been in the industry for a long time and still waxing strong, in a chance encounter with Tope Olukole, speaks on issues in the movie industry and her personal life, among others.
It seems you don’t regret your divorce, because you always have this cheerful look?
It’s God. Looking back at my life and where I came from, I never even thought I would be an actress. I never even thought I would have an opportunity to meet people, to be a role model. So, it’s not for me to feel self-pity. I’m grateful to God every single day. I choose to be happy. I am a happy person. Someone encouraged me with these words yesterday: “Every problem you have will resolve and dissolve.”
So, my divorce is not the end of life and my God has given me cheer and joy. That explains why I am always happy and cheerful. No regrets.
Will you remarry?
I am not sure about remarrying but I will love again. I’m a lover, not a fighter. I’m only going to be very choosy. I don’t know about marriage, but, maybe, love.
You’ve kept your daughter away from the limelight. Is this deliberate?
Yes. You want them to kidnap my daughter? When they see her picture, then they will know who she is. I remember somebody sent a card to me through her school and I was so surprised.
They just dropped it on her desk and I was wondering how the person knew my daughter attends that school. Should she decide to step into the limelight later, that would be her call, not mine. I’ve managed to keep her away and I’m sure I’ve done a good job. Now, she is not even in the country and it’s better she schools there.
Your divorce came as a shock to a lot of people. Why did you take that decision?
Shock? Have you not heard that Seal and Heidi (Klum) have divorced? Haven’t you seen people who have been married for 20 to 25 years and divorced? I’m not perfect; no one is. We all have our low moments. It doesn’t mean I’m a failure. Everybody goes through bad patches in life. Life must go on, whether we like it or not. It’s always better to part under good circumstances than for someone to be in jail or die, or to be hurling insults at each other. There is no need for that.
What is the secret of your looks?
I don’t fix artificial nails. I’m back to natural nails. I just put on some long-lasting polish. I fixed my nails for over 10 years but I’m tired of it now. I want to be healthy in my old age. And I would never let relaxer touch my hair again. All these are the secret of my looks.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Foluke Daramola’s Hubby Opens up on why Ex- wife Abandoned their Marriage

Foluke Daramola and hubby Kayode Salako are still trying to get people to understand their love and for the first time too, in a chat with CityPeople, Kayode revealed the actual reason, according to him, his ex wife left their marriage.
“I am granting this interview because I believe it is time for me to tell the world, why my ex wife decided to leave. That is the essence of this interview.
I want the whole world to know that Bukola did not leave me because of 3 things (1) that I am irresponsible (2) that Foluke used juju to drive her away (3) because members of my family wanted to kill her.
I need to give you a clear picture of what happened so that my wife can be free from that mess. I want to say that Bukola was the one who packed up the marriage and left. But I know it was a very painful decision for her.
Even before I met Foluke, the two of us have been discussing it. We have been thinking on how to go about it. Bukola did not enjoy that 13 years she lived with me, because I was treating one ailment or the other. She was always in and out of the hospital.
I don’t know. I don’t fall sick. I am AA blood group. Foluke is AA. She is AA. My ex-wife is AA. When you are AA you don’t have business with sickness. I am telling you that since I know myself to be a human being, I have never been to the hospital. Foluke has never fallen ill since I married her. In my family, we don’t fall sick and we have longevity.
In my ex-wife family too, they don’t die young. They don’t fall sick. But unfortunately she never enjoyed that 13 years because she was always falling sick. Today we will treat eye problem with excruciating pain. Tomorrow it will be ear, then teeth, then the back. It was always from one mysterious problem to another throughout the 13 years.
Even before I started my Fasholamania project that brought me to limelight. We have been going through all that. But how many people will I tell that outside. There was a time I slept in the hospital for almost 6 months. Even before she gave birth to my 3 boys I saw hell because from day I of the pregnancy, it was hell till she delivered. But one thing that is mysterious is that Bukola did not know the mystery behind her health problems in the marriage.
I, the husband was not falling sick. There was even a time, Bukola died in the hospital. She was certified died. About 20 minutes after she opened her eyes again and came back to life. You can go to Life center Hospital at Amore Street in Ikeja. The hospital is own by Redeemed Church. They can tell you our story there. How we always come in and out of there.
That hospital was not only our hospital. We had several hospitals. Sometimes I will have to rush my wife to the hospital at 1 am to 2 am at night when her health condition starts. So throughout all the 13 years, Bukola never enjoyed the marriage. It was so mysterious that I had to go out to consult some Pastors to pray.
Please take us back to when we first her (Foluke). How did you hit it off?
In a nice way. Foluke did not jump at me at first. At the time we met she was already preparing to leave Nigeria, to relocate to Canada. So she was only gathering money to travel with her children. She didn’t want to prostitute like other women. She is a principled person to the core. She does not believe in using sex to build a relationship. So she didn’t jump at me, in fact she gave me a hell of a problem. I was confused. I later understood her and we became friends. I think maybe I touched the better part of her heart, maybe from the subtle way I related with her. We used to talk a lot and we used to relate as friends.
I am like that too. I am 43 years old but I am young at heart.  I behave like a child. That is what got to Foluke. I was hanging around her like a natural friends, agelessly. I just discover that after a while Foluke started liking me unusually she started becoming drawn to me.  At the end of the day we became very good friends and she was even ready to be learning from me. She began to take my advice. At a time, she now saw me beyond just being friends. She now began to see me as an elder brother and a true companion and someone she could always count on. That was how the whole story started. We didn’t start by sleeping with each other.
What one Bukola Fasuyi was saying around last year was all fallacy. There was no truth in it. My own Foluke is not the kind of woman who needs to do juju to a man. That is not her orientation. She is a woman who believes in going to school to acquire more and more certificates. I have lived with Foluke for one year now and I can say she is the best thing that has happened to my life.
Right now, she has become a natural part of me. I am so used to her to the extent that I sometimes forget that I have lived with a woman before. We discussed everything. I live in her now and she lives in me. That is how we started it and that is what we have built it up to. So, I want to disabuse that public impression that my wife used juju to woo me. I want to say I am not that type of a man any woman can use juju to woo or snatch. Foluke knows the kind of person I am. Before she even tries it, I will  know.

Monday 24 February 2014

My Mum was a strong woman and I learnt a lot from her – Doris Simon

In a Recent interview, the actress who recently signed movie deal in South Africa talked at length about her failed marriage.
The mother of one also spoke briefly about her ex-hubby, Daniel Ademinokan who eloped with her colleague, Stella Damasus.
Read the Interview Below:
Interviewer: Did you ever imagine that you were going to be separated someday?
Doris Simeon: No, I never thought I would be separated someday. Yes, it definitely hit me when it happened. But life goes on.
Interviewer: But a lot of people had the impression that you couldn’t be bothered and that you wanted this freedom?
Doris Simeon: No, if I wanted the freedom, I have it now; so, why am I not exploring the situation? Instead of that, I am trying to make money. I have a lot of responsibilities. So, rather than sit down and mourn all day, I have to face the reality.
My mother was a strong woman and I learnt a lot from her. She went through a lot, which I knew of from when I was a little child. In spite of all that she went through, she kept moving on. My mom had a stroke and survived it; and she still looked radiant. My mom jumped from one trade to another. When I think of that, I would be like, this woman, na you born me, I must do that thing wey you teach us. Those are the things I just look back and then I just move on. I have a child that I need to work for, so that he won’t face the kind of suffering I faced in the future.
Interviewer: Will you consider marriage again?
Doris Simeon: I don’t know, but I am not ruling it out because I am human. I might just fall head over heels in love again. But let me still be doing what I am doing. Wherever the Lord takes me, I will go.
Interviewer: What would you do differently when you find love again?
Doris Simeon: I will probably right the wrong things I did then. I mean I will do the right thing three times over.
Interviewer: What were those things?
Doris Simeon: Can I even point them out? I can’t point them out.
Interviewer: Was it that you didn’t have enough time for the family?
Doris Simeon: It wasn’t that in anyway. It is just one of those things you have to deal with. People will say one thing or the other to defend their own sides. When I’m on set, I want to quickly do whatever I am doing. This is because I see a movie script as an examination; and when you have an examination you want to quickly do it and then relax. That is the way I work. I just want to do it and know that I am done with this script, so I can face my family. So, it’s not that I get carried away with work. I just want to do the best I can at that particular time that I am doing that job and get out from that set and face my family or face whatever I need to do next.
Interviewer: At a time, you and Daniel were one of the best couples in Nollywood. What could have gone wrong?
Doris Simeon: Anything could have gone wrong. Anything could have triggered a fire anywhere. You don’t know what might happen the next minute. We are just trying to make things go right, but God has the final say. Yes, things happen in life and till eternity you keep asking that question what went wrong. But if you dwell on that, you won’t move forward because everything that happens has God’s hands in it. There is a reason why anything happens and it has been written that it will happen that way.
Interviewer: After a year, what did you do?
Doris Simeon: Funny enough, after a year, I was like, ‘Doris, how do you think you want to move on with your life? What should you do to move on? That was when I decided not to dwell on the past; otherwise, I will go hungry. People that want to laugh at me are out there, so I will rather make them say, ‘Aha Aha, what’s happening? And I am moving ahead with my life.
Interviewer: What is the relationship between the two of you now, given that you have a child for him?
Doris Simeon: We have a child, so we talk. The boy is there, so why won’t we talk? We cannot be sworn enemies forever. Not every relationship leads to marriage, yet the people involved still talk.
Interviewer: But how do you feel knowing that your colleague is supposedly married to him?
Doris Simeon: She’s a woman and he is a man. Na man I go still follow so (laughs). In this industry, most of us are colleagues; it is not that we are close friends or something. No be say na my mama born am now.
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