Showing posts with label #men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #men. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Men Want Big Boobs Says Actress Lydia Forson

She is one of he hottest babes in the Ghanian movie industry and she has all it takes to grab the attention of any man, anytime. Lydia Forson used to be shy about her big stuffs, but not anymore. Now she enjoys it: What role will you not play in a movie?
I never say never! So, I don’t know. Sometimes, you say something, but 10 years after, you are caught doing it. There are some situations I pray I’m never put into. But if it is for me to tell a story, why not?
Most plus-size actresses have challenges getting certain kinds of roles that are seen to be only for slim people. Could you share your experience with me?
I always try to be as realistic as possible when I’m answering this question because it’s so easy for me to say it’s not a problem. I want someone reading to know that she is not the only person going through these challenges. The truth is, I accepted my body years ago. But I have my days: there are days I look at myself and I’m not too happy.. And there are days I look at myself and feel like I’m so sexy.
But the reality is, everybody, whether you are slim, short, tall, light or dark, you will have your days. But you have to accept yourself the way you are at that particular moment. If you can’t change it, rock it! Yes, the pressure sometimes makes you wanna lose weight. But I think my focus now is just being healthy. You don’t wanna be 30 and look 40. So, I’m not a strong advocate of lose weight and be a certain size.
The truth is, everybody wishes that he or she was somebody else. No human being looks at himself or herself in the mirror and says, ‘I am perfect’. And that’s the message I like to put out there. People will look at me and say, ‘Oh! Lydia, you are so perfect. We love your body.’ No, I have my days. And there are days I’m like, you know what, I’m the best thing that ever happened to this world.
Is your size hereditary?
Yes, I’m a Fanti. I don’t think I’m a big girl. I think I’m just a buddilcious girl. I just have a big butt and big boobs. Fanti women are just like that; they are very curvy. It is something that when I was six years old, I wanted it; but when I was in class six, I wanted it to go away. But you grow up and realize the truth that a man wants something he can hold on to. They may look at the skinny models. But they always know what they want in bed. It’s not x-rated, but I’m just saying they know what they want.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Men Misbehave Sighting My Curvy Figure says Nollywood Actress Evia Simon

Nollywood actress, Evia Simon is one actress that has gained popularity in the movie industry in Nigeria. She has acted in movies like ‘Three Generals’, ‘Stubborn Generals’, ‘Ifunanya’, ‘Oga Madam’, ‘Men in Bondage’, ‘Girls Cot’, ‘When Love Dies’, and a host of others. The pretty actress has expressed her displeasure over the way men react when they see her.
The curvy actress in a recent interview said that due to her curvy body, men misbehave when they see her. “I find their reaction annoying sometimes and embarrassing. Some even go as far as screaming and they let me know I am the reason they are screaming.
According to her, “One of the craziest things a guy ever did was to leave his car parked along the roadside and entered the same cab with me just to have a word with me because if he had kept on driving he would have missed me.”
“I am not the type of girl who is only interested in money. I believe in love. To me, love comes first. I hate to have anything to do with a guy because of his money,” she added.

Monday 24 February 2014

Sanusi’s Courage Is Scarce Says Pastor Bakare

The Serving Overseer of The Latter Rain Assembly, Lagos, and running mate to General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) in the 2011 presidential elections, Pastor Tunde Bakare, on Sunday said that the suspension of Mr. Lamido Sansusi as Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria would have negative consequences on the nation and its government.
The fiery preacher described Sanusi’s
suspension as ego-driven and destructive power game
In a prepared text, which he delivered during the Sunday service, Bakare said that the suspended CBN governor was being persecuted for exposing the rot in the oil industry.
He warned that the action of President Goodluck Jonathan in suspending Sanusi on February 22 could have negative consequences on the investing public and even government revenue
Bakare said, “The suspension of Sanusi is an ego-driven, counter-productive and destructive power game that will have very dangerous consequences for the nation and the government.
“It is important not to demystify the institutions of the country. Personalities and people will go but the institutions must remain; the institutions must remain strong to enhance the growth and peace of the society.
“You can imagine the negative consequences of this suspension on the investing public, on shares and even on government revenue”.
The cleric, whose text was with the theme, ‘Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and the Federal Government of Nigeria: Aitete m’ole, ole m’oloko’, said the suspended CBN governor became a victim because he delayed blowing the whistle about the corruption in the oil industry.
According to the cleric, ‘Aitete m’ole, ole m’oloko’ a Yoruba proverb means that “when the owner of the farm fails to apprehend the thief in time, the thief will apprehend the owner and label him the thief”.
Bakare, who is the convener of Save Nigeria Group, trailed the origin of Sanusi’s ordeal to a letter he wrote in September 2013 to President Goodluck Jonathan accusing the Nigerian National petroleum Corporation of failing to repatriate $49.8bn (about N8trn) into the Federation Account between January 2012 and July.
“In order words, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, undeniably a crusader of truth and justice, may have blown the whistle indicting the very heads of the crime economy just too late”, Bakare said.
He said, “The opportune time to blow the whistle should have been when the CBN, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, the PPPRA, the NNPC and other agencies provided conflicting figures as to actual subsidy payments to the Adhoc Committee on the management of fuel subsidy”.
According to him, the NNPC had been spared of any indictment in all the three reports “from the 2011 KPMG report to the 2012 Farouk Lawan Committee Report and from the 2012 Nuhu Ribadu Committee Report to the 2013 Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative report.
“When Save Nigeria Group raised the bar during the fuel subsidy protests and maintained that government-backed corruption fueled by NNPC was the main issue, perhaps a corroborating voice by the CBN governor would have added weight to the outcr”, Bakare said.
He, however, commended Sanusi for speaking up against corruption and urged him to take solace in the words of William Curren Bryant, who he quoted as saying, “Truth crushed to earth, shall rise again”.
Bakare added that “Make no mistake about it; few men have the courage of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
“Few men have the aristocratic dignity of a man who time and again, while in public office, raised his voice against profligacy and monetary imprudence especially among the legislators and sometimes among the executive; perhaps, no serving government official has been as outspoken against misgovernace as the suspended CBN Governor”.
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