an exclusive interview with one of the biggest producer, model and actress in the Uk, where she let us in on personal goals is driving her to the top…

Tell us about yourself?
My name is Brunhilda njua (AKA Brun Njua) from Cameroon, a Model, Actress and Producer.
What motivates you?
Life is a wonderful thing. Seeing the Sunrise each day makes me realise The Good Lord has made it possible for me to see anther day. That is enough motivation.
Life is a wonderful thing. Seeing the Sunrise each day makes me realise The Good Lord has made it possible for me to see anther day. That is enough motivation.
How do you evaluate success?
Success to a great extent is personal. Doing what makes you happy is success in my eyes. You set your personal goals. It may not be up to the standards of persons around you or be beyond theirs.
Success to a great extent is personal. Doing what makes you happy is success in my eyes. You set your personal goals. It may not be up to the standards of persons around you or be beyond theirs.
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
“Disappointment” is relative. Anything that happens I take in my stride. I believe everything happens for a reason.
“Disappointment” is relative. Anything that happens I take in my stride. I believe everything happens for a reason.
I am passionate about the creative industry. That is why I enjoy being a producer. Acting is also something I am very passionate about.
What do people most often criticize about you?
Funny enough my looks. They tend to believe it is strictly my looks that I rely on. They forget I manage artists, organize shows and produce movies. I have been behind the show-biz scene here in the UK for over 10 years.
Funny enough my looks. They tend to believe it is strictly my looks that I rely on. They forget I manage artists, organize shows and produce movies. I have been behind the show-biz scene here in the UK for over 10 years.
Whats your best Automobile and your dream Car?: Love convertibles …An Aston Martin will be nice.
How do you deal with Male fans?
LMao – I fully understand the effect I have on men and women. I did not set out to be a model or the object of persons desires, but it happened. I am very professional and try to avoid weirdo’s like a plague.
LMao – I fully understand the effect I have on men and women. I did not set out to be a model or the object of persons desires, but it happened. I am very professional and try to avoid weirdo’s like a plague.
What part of your body will you change if you have the chance? what part of your body do you like the most?
I have to admit I am not self-conscious when it comes to my body. I understand I have to maintain my public persona, but in terms of change, I will rather improve the balance of my bank account.
I have to admit I am not self-conscious when it comes to my body. I understand I have to maintain my public persona, but in terms of change, I will rather improve the balance of my bank account.
What will you never wear or use?
Seriously, I never say “Never”. I can always do or wear something once. I’m very adventurous.
Seriously, I never say “Never”. I can always do or wear something once. I’m very adventurous.
Message to your fans?
Thanks for your support. It means a lot.
Thanks for your support. It means a lot.